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Executive & Life Coaching

Are you doing well overall, but feel there still is something missing?  Are you continuing to kill the game, and even in some cases re-write the game, but feel like you are losing you in the process?  Do you want to move past some internal blocks to reach your definition of personal and/or professional success?  Are feeling disconnected from your true leadership capabilities?  If any of these apply to you, depending on our goals, then life or executive coaching may be just what you need!

Dr. Tonya provides life coaching and executive coaching packages for individuals who are ready to drop the excuses and move towards their purpose.

At the heart of her approach is G.R.I.T.™:

  • Growth
  • Reclamation
  • Integration
  • Transformation

Potential Benefits of Receiving Coaching from Dr. Tonya

1. Personalized Guidance: Experience tailored coaching sessions designed specifically to meet your unique needs and goals.

2. Expert Insights: Benefit from my expertise in human behavior to gain deeper understanding and practical insights.

3. Cultural Competency: Receive coaching that respects and integrates your cultural background and values.

4. Empathetic Support: Enjoy compassionate and understanding support from a coach dedicated to your success.

5. Clear Goal Setting: Achieve clarity in defining and pursuing your personal and professional aspirations.

6. Enhanced Self-Awareness: Gain deeper insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and potential blind spots.

7. Actionable Strategies: Develop practical, actionable plans to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

8. Improved Confidence: Build greater self-confidence and belief in your abilities to succeed.

9. Accountability Partnership: Stay on track with regular check-ins and accountability to ensure progress.

10. Effective Communication Skills: Enhance your ability to communicate effectively in various aspects of your life.

11. Stress Management Techniques: Learn proven methods to manage and reduce stress effectively.

12. Work-Life Balance: Discover strategies to achieve a healthy balance between work and personal life.

13. Conflict Resolution: Improve your skills in managing and resolving conflicts constructively.

14. Enhanced Decision-Making: Boost your ability to make informed, confident decisions.

15. Increased Motivation: Stay motivated and focused on your goals with continuous encouragement and support.

16. Personal Growth: Foster continuous self-improvement and personal development.

17. Positive Mindset: Cultivate a more optimistic and resilient outlook on life.

18. Health and Wellness Focus: Receive guidance on achieving physical and mental well-being.

19. Innovative Problem-Solving: Develop creative solutions to personal and professional challenges.

20. Career Advancement: Identify and pursue opportunities for career growth and advancement.

21. Fulfillment and Purpose: Achieve a deeper sense of satisfaction and purpose in your life.

22. Support for High-Risk Roles: Get specialized strategies for managing the unique pressures and demands of high-risk, high-visibility roles.

23. Navigating Underrepresentation: Learn techniques to thrive and excel as a member of a historically underrepresented group.

24. Resilience Building: Enhance your resilience and ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenges.

25. Visibility and Influence: Develop skills to effectively increase your visibility and influence within your field.

3 Month Life Coaching Package 


  • One 90 minute assessment session to learn where you are and explore your vision, goals, and determinants of success for our work together
  • Six 50 minute biweekly sessions
  • Creation of a Personal Development Plan
  • Post-session summary notes
  • Weekly motivational texts
  • Between session support, such as texts and emails
  • Your Investment: $2500.00

3 Month Executive Coaching Package


  • One 90 minute assessment session to learn where you are and explore your vision, goals, and determinants of success for our work together
  • Six 60 minute biweekly sessions
  • Creation of a Personal Accountability Plan
  • Post-session summary notes
  • Daily motivational texts
  • Between session support, such as texts, emails, and some limited phone calls
  • Your Investment: $3500.00

Frequently Asked Questions About Coaching Vs. Therapy

What is the main difference between coaching and therapy?

Coaching primarily focuses on setting and achieving goals, enhancing performance, and fostering personal or professional development. Also, coaching is future-oriented and goal-driven, focusing on enhancing skills, achieving objectives, and maximizing potential.

Therapy, on the other hand, typically addresses emotional, psychological, or mental health issues and aims to alleviate symptoms, resolve conflicts, and promote healing. It typically focuses on diagnosing and treating mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, trauma, or addiction, and the focus is to address deep-rooted emotional and psychological issues.

Who can benefit from coaching? Who can benefit from therapy?

Coaching can benefit individuals seeking personal or professional growth, clarity in decision-making, skill enhancement, and accountability. It’s suitable for people who are generally functioning well but may want guidance in specific areas of their lives.

Therapy is beneficial for individuals dealing with mental health challenges, emotional distress, trauma, relationship issues, or significant life transitions. It provides a safe space for exploring thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and is essential for those requiring clinical intervention or support.

What are the goals of coaching? What are the goals of therapy?

Coaching aims to empower individuals to identify their goals, develop action plans, overcome obstacles, and achieve desired outcomes. It focuses on enhancing self-awareness, building confidence, and maximizing potential in various aspects of life.

Therapy aims to promote emotional well-being, alleviate symptoms of mental illness, improve coping strategies, enhance interpersonal relationships, and foster personal growth and self-understanding. It addresses underlying issues contributing to distress or dysfunction.

How does the approach differ between coaching and therapy?

Coaching typically involves a collaborative and action-oriented approach, with the coach guiding clients through structured processes and exercises to achieve specific objectives. Therapy, conversely, often involves a more exploratory and introspective approach, with the therapist helping clients understand and address deeper emotional or psychological issues.

Will my health insurance cover the cost of coaching services?

No, insurance typically does not cover coaching services. Unlike therapy or counseling, which are often covered by health insurance plans because they address diagnosable mental health conditions, coaching is considered a form of personal development rather than medical treatment.

Can someone receive both coaching and therapy from the same provider, at the same time?

No, it’s generally not advisable for someone to receive both coaching and therapy from the same provider at the same time. While both coaching and therapy involve supportive relationships aimed at personal growth and development, they have distinct approaches and boundaries. Combining coaching and therapy with the same provider simultaneously could blur the boundaries between the two roles and potentially lead to conflicts of interest. Additionally, it might not be conducive to the client’s progress, as the goals and methodologies of coaching and therapy can sometimes conflict with each other.

How do I determine whether coaching or therapy is right for me?

Consider your current needs, goals, and challenges. If you’re primarily seeking guidance in achieving specific objectives, enhancing performance, or navigating transitions, coaching may be appropriate. If you’re struggling with emotional distress, mental health issues, or unresolved traumas that significantly impact your daily functioning, therapy may be more suitable. It’s essential to assess your level of self-awareness, readiness for change, and willingness to engage in the process to make an informed decision. Additionally, consulting with a qualified coach or therapist can help you determine the best approach based on your unique circumstances.

Got it, Dr. Tonya. So what is the difference between life coaching and executive coaching?

Life coaching focuses on personal goals, fulfillment, and overall well-being. It’s geared towards helping individuals clarify their values, identify their passions, overcome obstacles, and create a balanced and fulfilling life. Life coaches work with clients on various aspects of their personal lives, including relationships, health, career, and personal growth.

On the other hand, executive coaching is specifically tailored for professionals and focuses on enhancing leadership skills, improving performance, and achieving career goals. Executive coaches work with individuals in managerial or leadership positions to develop strategies for effective decision-making, communication, team management, and achieving professional success.

So, the one that is right for you depends on your current needs and goals. If you’re seeking guidance in your personal life, wanting to make changes, or seeking greater fulfillment, life coaching might be the right choice. If you’re looking to excel in your career, improve leadership skills, or navigate professional challenges, executive coaching could be more suitable.

Still not sure about the value of coaching?  Try our Introduction to Coaching Package, which includes:

  • One 90 minute assessment session to learn where you are and explore your vision, goals, and determinants of success for our work together
  • Three 30 minute biweekly sessions
  • Creation of a Personal Development Plan
  • Post-session summary notes
  • Your Investment: $1000.00

If you are finally ready to reclaim your personal and professional potential contact Dr. Tonya today to embark on a journey of rediscovery and empowerment!