Seven Ways to Develop Growth Towards Improved Well-Being

Most likely, you won’t change the world in a month, but you can create new habits that put you on the road to making a difference in your world. 

This starter list will provide you with a few ideas to shift movement towards improved well-being. I encourage you to put your creative thinking cap on as well, and develop a few of your own ideas for challenges that will make a positive difference in your life. 

1. Try a new recipe. Let’s face it. You have the same thing for breakfast every day. Only a couple of different things for lunch. And maybe 10 different things for dinner. You’ve been eating the same stuff for years! Try something new. You’re bound to find something you love. Eat something new each day for a month.

2. Drink only water for a month. How much do you rely on your morning café latte? You’re about to find out. Just go one month without drinking anything other than what your adult body was designed to drink – water.

3. Give up your news habit. See how many days you can go without watching or reading any news. Think you’ll miss out on something important? Your friends will tell you. Besides, the news hasn’t changed much for the last 100 years. Look at an old newspaper for proof.

4. Wake up 30 minutes earlier. Get out of bed 30 minutes earlier and do something productive. You might try learning Italian or reading. It might be a good time for a walk. Maybe you’ll meditate, pray, or write. See how special the morning can be before everyone else gets up!

5. Do something nice for someone each day. You can do 30 things for the same person or for a variety of people. The choice is yours. Try to accomplish this anonymously. You’ll learn how good it feels to do something for someone else without getting anything in return.

6. Study something for a month. Pull the old guitar out of the attic. Learn how to paint. Study web marketing. This is a great challenge to combine with waking up earlier. What will you learn this month?

7. Exercise daily for a month. It doesn’t have to be challenging, but do something physical each day for 30 days. Think of ways you can enjoy this time. You might shoot baskets in the driveway one day and meet a friend for tennis the next. Take the family for a hike. Play with your dog. Just do something active.

What ideas do you have? Visualize how great you’ll feel if you can make just a couple of worthwhile changes over the next month. You can move toward new possibilities. You can change your habits in 30 days. You got this!

Be well and stay unapologetic,

Dr. Tonya